Author : Leo Tolstoy

In this book, Leo Tolstoy presents a very interesting take on human mind and the relationship it has with itself and with the world.

We live in relationships. We have a relationship with ourselves and we have a relationship with others. Like any other relationship, these two relationships lack in love, truth and honesty as well.

Mostly what we give is a lie and what we receive in return is also lie. ‘What is’ has less importance to us than ‘what should be’. And then there should be no surprise that most of us die without living the life the way it must have been lived and hence death is always a painful affair and scares us the most.

The death of Ivan Ilych is no different. In fact you relate to story so much only because you can find the bits and pieces of his life matching with yours.

The author wants to inspire you, to not be like Ivan Ilych. The author wants you to live. He wants you to know what a wonderful opportunity life is and what we make out of it. However, the way he expresses this to you is full of sarcasm of the highest order but he never fails to warn you how not to waste your life.

This story must be read so that living a life like Ivan Ilych can be avoided at all costs in your own life.

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